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友人がこの家に遊びに来たとき、「この家は秋になると一段と素敵になるね」と言ったことがあった。 そのときは何気なく聞き流したが、今、季節の移ろいを感じるたびに、その言葉を思い出す。








ミラーに映る自分の姿をちらりと見て、静かに息を吸い込む。 玄関を開けて外に出ると、ひんやりとした空気が頬を撫でる。昨日まで夏の名残を感じていた空気も、今ではすっかり秋の香りに変わっている。足元には萩の花が風に揺れているのを見て、いつもの道が季節の変化によって新しい表情を見せていることに気づいた。














From Summer to Autumn

Waking up to the sound of a notification on the phone after sleeping in a bit.
Several messages from the gallery's manager had arrived on the phone by the bedside. They informed that the pieces shipped the day before yesterday had all been safely delivered. Murph was supposed to take over the family’s lumber business, but now lives in this house by the sea, working as a ceramic artist.

The house was acquired a few years ago.
When looking for materials for ceramics, Murph had driven an hour and a half from the city to visit a peninsula. There, an old house built on a cliff caught the eye. Captivated by the sight of it from the beach below, Murph decided to acquire it right away. It was an old wooden building where drafts blew through the cracks, making it difficult to endure the cold in winter. However, as Murph used it as a studio to escape the summer heat and create pieces, a deep fondness for the house gradually grew.

When friends visited, one of them remarked, "This house becomes even more beautiful in the fall." At the time, Murph dismissed the comment casually, but now, whenever the changing of seasons is felt, those words come to mind.
With friends, drink in hand, they made benches by hand using wood with a natural texture and created a small flower bed to blend in with the sandy beach. Over time, the house became an integral part of Murph's life. The flower bed, changing its appearance with each season, and the benches that fade in the sunlight have become cherished parts of this home.

Today, it was a morning when the signs of autumn were clearly felt.
Wearing pajamas, Murph threw a blanket over the shoulders and headed to the entrance. An arched mirror, which had been standing in the living room, caught Murph’s eye. It was something intended to decide where to place once the busy work period settled down. Having fallen in love with the mirror's smooth, arched lines, Murph bought it but was still unsure of where it should go.
Glancing at the reflection, Murph quietly took a deep breath.

Opening the front door, the crisp air brushed against the cheeks. The lingering scent of summer in the air had now changed entirely to the fragrance of autumn. Looking at the bush clover flowers swaying in the breeze, Murph noticed how the usual path had taken on a new appearance due to the change of seasons.

Walking the path from the cliff to the sea, each step on the bush clover branches made the air gradually feel colder and clearer. On the side of the path, the bright red of ground cherry fruit gently hinted at the arrival of autumn. There was a field of withered grass in muted colors, and beyond that, the sea sparkled faintly. The sound of bush clover leaves brushing together, combined with the distant rumble of the sea, soaked into the body, conveying the changing seasons.

The transition from summer to autumn brings a touch of melancholy.
As the short summer days drift further away and the leaves turn color, it feels like something quietly comes to an end. The flower bed made in the summer now starts to take on autumn hues. The cool air carried by the wind seems to softly whisper that winter will soon arrive.

Spending autumn in this house isn't so bad. Yet, the subtle sadness that remains in the changing seasons makes this place even more dear.
Murph wondered how the arched mirror in the living room would reflect this autumn. Wrapped in the blanket, Murph stood still for a moment, letting the serene autumn landscape seep into the heart.

Copyright ©︎ MURPH

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