
形を生み出す歓びと、それが終わった後に訪れる虚無感。今はちょうど、その虚無感に包まれている時期だった。ギャラリーへの納品を終え、ひと段落したはずなのに、何かが足りないような、そんな気分だった。 マーフは、家の近くにある小さな花屋を思い浮かべる。
それだけで、店主はその日、店に並ぶ花々からぴったりの花束を作ってくれるのだ。 今日は何となく、華やかな花を贈りたかった。
花屋のドアをくぐり、少し冷たい秋の風が背中を押す。店主はマーフの顔を見ると、にっこりと微笑んで言った。「今日はどんな感じにしましょう?」 「華やかな感じでお願いしたい。少し変わったものがいいな」とだけ伝えると、店主はうなずいて店の奥に向かう。しばらくして、鮮やかで個性的な花々が詰まった花束を手に戻ってきた。メインには存在感のあるマムが、鮮やかなコニカルブラックで彩られている。紫のモカラがエキゾチックな雰囲気を添え、ケイトウの独特の質感が全体を引き締めている。秋の空気の中で、その花束はひときわ際立ち、思わず目を奪われるような華やかさを放っていた。
To give flowers
Murph had a rule to only give flowers on special occasions. Not for birthdays or anniversaries, but only when something touched their heart in an inexplicable way. This time, there was no specific reason either. It was simply that when they thought of someone’s smile, it felt like the right way to fill an empty space in their heart. Flowers seemed to be the perfect way to convey that feeling.
As a ceramic artist, Murph’s days were filled with a mixture of creation and solitude—a joy in shaping things and the emptiness that follows once the work is completed. Right now, Murph was enveloped in that void. Even though the gallery delivery had been taken care of and everything was supposed to be in order, something still felt incomplete.
Murph thought of the small flower shop near their home. The shop blended into the landscape of the seaside town, quietly standing there as if part of the scenery. The owner was always friendly, picking out seasonal flowers whenever Murph visited. Whenever they went to the shop, Murph would simply say, "I’ll leave it up to you." That was enough for the shop owner to create the perfect bouquet from the flowers available that day.
Today, Murph felt like giving a vibrant bouquet. Walking through the shop’s door, a slight chill of autumn air pushed gently against their back. The shop owner looked at Murph’s face and smiled warmly, "What kind of flowers would you like today?"
"I’d like something vibrant, maybe a bit unusual," Murph replied. The owner nodded and went to the back of the store. After a while, they returned with a bouquet filled with striking, unique flowers. At the center were chrysanthemums, boldly highlighted with vivid conical black accents. The purple mokara orchids added an exotic touch, while the celosia’s distinctive texture tied the arrangement together. In the crisp autumn air, the bouquet stood out, radiating a beauty that demanded attention.
Murph took the bouquet and, for a moment, a friend's face came to mind. Busy at work, the friend’s image floated before them. Murph also remembered the slightly surprised smile when the friend had received one of their ceramic pieces. It wasn’t about expecting anything in return; Murph simply wanted to see that smile again. That thought gently warmed Murph’s heart.
Later that day, Murph delivered the bouquet to the friend’s house. When the friend accepted the flowers at the doorstep, they widened their eyes in surprise before their face softened into a warm smile. “Thank you. What a beautiful, vibrant bouquet!” the friend said. At that moment, Murph felt a quiet relief wash over them.